We can see if the kid's [kids] right there next to you.

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Feb 5, 2022
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Russian Federation
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Russian Federation
Hello, teachers. A guy has been in a coma for 20 years, and his friend tells him now that his girlfriend left him for him and they two even have kids together.

Friend: And you guys have kids together? You would do that behind my back?
Guy: I wouldn't do that to you bro. We can see if the kid's [kids] right there next to you. You seemed really okay with it.

How do you understand the boldfaced sentence? What's the point of the joke?
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Two things. One, 20 years is a long time to be in a coma. Two, did they have that conversation after the person came out of the coma? (I would presume so.)
Two things. One, 20 years is a long time to be in a coma. Two, did they have that conversation after the person came out of the coma? (I would presume so.)
It's rather a video-based question. I edited the link to get the full context (which lasts less than a minute). It's a comedy scetch, the whole thing is absurd.
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