Vision / Ethical / curriculum

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Oct 14, 2005
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I was struggling to make the following sentence grammatically correct. I could not be successful in making it grammatically correct with right wordings. I need your help please.

It was good to know from you the vision of the University that this University wants his students to be ethical also. Sir, If this University produces good skilled Engineers, Economists etc. who are ethical also, it would be a remarkable achievement for this University. I am keen to know do you have any system or a curriculum or teaching pedagogy in place so that when students passed out from this University, they are ethical also.
Who are you writing this to, and why are you writing it?
I [STRIKE]was[/STRIKE] am struggling to make the following sentence grammatically correct. I [STRIKE]could not be successful in making[/STRIKE] can't make it grammatically correct [STRIKE]with right wordings[/STRIKE] and I'm not sure about the wording. I need your help please.

Note my corrections above. We can help you further when you answer the questions in post #2.
During an induction program, the Vice Chancellor of a University was telling his University's vision to new joiners over zoom meeting. I got the chance to listen it. Now today is our group's turn to attend it. At the end of the meeting, each joiner will be given a chance to ask a question. The vision will remain same. I didn't want to tell the reason so I didn't write it in my first post.
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During an induction program, the vice chancellor of a university was describing his university's vision to new students over a Zoom meeting. I got the chance to listen to it. Now today is our group's turn to attend it. At the end of the meeting, each new student will be given a chance to ask a question. The vision will remain same. I didn't want to say the reason, so I didn't write it in my first post.
Capitalize all proper nouns. Only capitalize common nouns when they start sentences.
I was struggling to make the following sentence grammatically correct. I could not be successful in making it grammatically correct with right wordings. I need your help please.

It was good to learn from you the vision of the university: that this university wants its students to be ethical [STRIKE]also[/STRIKE]. Sir, if this university produces good skilled engineers, economists, etc., who are also ethical [STRIKE]also[/STRIKE], it would be a remarkable achievement [STRIKE]for this University[/STRIKE]. I am keen to know: Do you have any system or a curriculum or teaching pedagogy in place so that when students graduate from this university, they are ethical, also?
You're asking the chancellor an interesting question. A school can teach ethics, but it can't force its graduates to be ethical.
How about too instead of also?
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