verbs used while playing with modelling clay

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Junior Member
Oct 27, 2022
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Hello! Could you please add some verbs that we use playing with modelling clay?
While playing with my child, I use the following verbs:
What's the purpose of your question, Soleil?
Please provide a complete sentence containing each of your suggested verbs.
What's the purpose of your question, Soleil?
I would like to learn more words and particularly verbs used in this very context (playing with clay) so that to practice them while playing with my son who is learning English.
There's a very large list of verbs that will work, depending upon what it is you're actually doing with the clay. The three you list are possible, but you can also:

pinch, score, flatten, join, scrape, dry, extrude, shape, form, pound, stretch, throw, join, layer, cut, heat, moisten, pull, coil, layer, poke, fire, bend, loop, flex, lean, twist, carve, fashion, pat, trim, brush, paint, stamp, and dozens if not hundreds of other verbs.

Some of those might apply only to regular clay, not oil-based modeling clay, but that should give you an idea. Just choose the most appropriate verb for the action you're doing -the fact that it's clay doesn't really limit your verbs.

I mean, I probably wouldn't 'drink' or 'eat' the clay, but you've still got plenty of other verbs to interact with. ;)
I would like to learn more words and particularly verbs used in this very context (playing with clay) so that to practice them while playing with my son who is learning English.
"Playing" is a very broad word.

I agree with Skrej's post where he's told you that there are hundreds of possible verbs. Though he objects to eating and drinking clay, they're possible in theory.

In this context, I doubt there's any difference between French and English.

Just about any physical act that you can imagine can be practised with modelling clay. Every single verb that refers to a physical action could apply.

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