Urban growth with its problems has become a complex issue .....

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May 22, 2010
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Dear teachers,

Are therse sentences correct?

Urban growth with its problems has become a complex issue with no easy solutions. However, I firmly believe that the best solutions are for goverments to provide excellent and highly reliable public transports and tax credit for those who live in megacities abandon theirs cars and use public transports, with some city dwellers being encouraged to move to rural areas.

Thanks a lot!
Dear teachers,

Are these sentences correct?

Urban growth with its problems has become a complex issue with no easy solutions. However, I firmly believe that the best solutions are for goverments to provide excellent and highly reliable public transport[STRIKE]s [/STRIKE]and tax [STRIKE]credit[/STRIKE] incentives [STRIKE]for[/STRIKE] to those who live in mega-cities [STRIKE]abandon[/STRIKE] to leave their[STRIKE]s[/STRIKE] cars at home and use public transport[STRIKE]s[/STRIKE] instead. [STRIKE]with some [/STRIKE]City dwellers [STRIKE]being [/STRIKE] should also be encouraged (by way of incentives) to move to rural areas.

Thanks a lot!
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