unless a deal is reached over pay.…This is undoubtedly the most

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Feb 19, 2016
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“For the first time in the NHS’s history, both nurses and ambulance staff will strike on February 6, unless a deal is reached over pay.…This is undoubtedly the most perilous moment for the NHS since its inception.”

Source: The Lancet

Do you think the punctuation "...." (4 dots) is standard or is extemporaneous (made temporarily)?

The standard forms I saw are "......" or "..." (six or three dots).
I think it's meant to be three dots to signify something missing followed by a full stop.
Here's the text being referred to.

@GoodTaste: in future, please give us the exact link. Did you actually read that text? I don't see those three dots in it. I see a short sentence instead.
Here's the text being referred to.
Here's the text Good Taste inked us to:

“For the first time in the NHS’s history, both nurses and ambulance staff will strike on February 6, unless a deal is reached over pay.…This is undoubtedly the most perilous moment for the NHS since its inception.”
I did. I read it through before posting the thread.

It seems that you were too late in clicking the link before The Lancet changed the content of the page.
in future, please give us the exact link. Did you actually read that text? I don't see those three dots in it. I see a short sentence instead.
@GoodTaste Two things. One, that post (#5) is backwards. Two, I suppose the ellipsis is in the original but not in the revised version. Anyhow, your question was answered, right?
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