Turns (back) and looks (back) up the stairs (again)

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Mar 5, 2020
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I'm trying to write a script:

In the basement, the masked man moves back to the foot of the stairs, looks up toward the door and listens. But hears nothing. He turns, looks around the room, and notices the CCTV camera in the opposite corner. He stares at it for a moment... then suddenly turns back and looks up the stairs again./then suddenly turns and looks back up the stairs./then suddenly turns and looks up the stairs again. He's heard something.

Which one of these (if any of them) sounds better in this context?
I'd use the last.
They all seem OK to me.
@Topstudent Note that in your list of options separated by "/", the first two full stops are incorrect. Even if you're giving us multiple options that would be the final words of a sentence, you only need to put the full stop at the end of the last one.
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The repetition of back in the second is fine to me.
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