Translating IPA Symbols to English

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Aug 17, 2007
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I have found a programme where I can type words or sentences in English and get the IPA transciption but I can't find any programmes or websites where I can do the opposite. Does anyone know of any?

I have found a programme where I can type words or sentences in English and get the IPA transciption but I can't find any programmes or websites where I can do the opposite. Does anyone know of any?

If this is an online program, could you post the URL?
I'd like to check how it translates homonyms like 'read', 'bow'...
aɪ laɪk ðɪs ˈprəʊɡræm. aɪ θɪŋk aɪm ˈɡəʊɪŋ tu juːz ðɪs ə lɒt.
bət ˈwʊdnt ɪt bi mʌʧ ˈiːzɪə tə du: ðə rɪˈvɜːs trænsˈleɪʃn ˈmænjʊəli?

You can even type ordinary letters for IPA, eg. D -> ð on the phonetic side.
Anyhow, if I find a reverse translator, I'll let you know, but I'm pretty sure once you've used the English to IPA enough, you'll be able to do your own IPA to English.
Hi All,

I'm so happy to be able to give something to this great forum instead of taking all the time. :-D
I'm not very strong on IPA Symbols, so I'll give this a whirl. Thank you. :)
aɪ laɪk ðɪs ˈprəʊɡræm. aɪ θɪŋk aɪm ˈɡəʊɪŋ tu juːz ðɪs ə lɒt.
bət ˈwʊdnt ɪt bi mʌʧ ˈiːzɪə tə du: ðə rɪˈvɜːs trænsˈleɪʃn ˈmænjʊəli?

You can even type ordinary letters for IPA, eg. D -> ð on the phonetic side.
Anyhow, if I find a reverse translator, I'll let you know, but I'm pretty sure once you've used the English to IPA enough, you'll be able to do your own IPA to English.

/haU naIs @v u: t@ u:z sVtS @ splendId {ksnt!/ /tA:!/;-)
hi! it's been a pleasure for me to discover such a programme. I am very grateful to the ones that created the software and to the ones that put it at our disposal. I wonder as some participants already mention whether it is possible to find a software that does the reverse i.e. from IPA to normal letters. I would be over the moon to receive a downloadable link to satisfy mostly my students who find difficulties understanding IPA symbols and reading trascribed texts. thank you and God bless you all. looking forward to hearing from you soon.
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