Today, I got ready and left for work.


Feb 4, 2014
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Please check my sentences.

1) Today, I got ready and left for work.
2) Today, I got ready and left to work.

What should we use "to" or "for"?
Please check my sentences.

1) Today, I got ready and left for work.
2) Today, I got ready and left to work.

What Should we I use "to" or "for"?
What does "left to work" mean? Does it mean I was left to work. I mean to work as in to work for someone or to do some chores. Am I correct?
What does "left to work" mean? Does it mean I was left to work? I mean to work, as in to work for someone or to do some chores. Am I correct?
No, not at all. The only scenario I can think of for "left to work" is something like this:

I had loads to do at work today but people kept interrupting me. It was really annoying! Eventually, I put a sign on my desk that said "Leave me alone. I'm busy." Finally, everyone got the message and I was left to work.

Even in that scenario, I don't like the phrase. I'd say "I was left alone to get on with my work".

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