Today, I enjoyed and learned a lot

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Ali Kazi

Mar 6, 2017
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Is the above sentence write or wrong?
If we compare this sentence with " Today i have enjoyed and learned a lot" then which one would be more appropriate?:roll:
Is the [STRIKE]above[/STRIKE] title sentence [STRIKE]write[/STRIKE] right or wrong?
If we compare this sentence with "Today, I have enjoyed and learned a lot", [STRIKE]then[/STRIKE] which one would be more appropriate?:roll:

Welcome to the forum. :hi:

Neither sentence is correct. The sentence in the title has no closing punctuation mark and you need something after "enjoyed".

I enjoyed today and I learnt a lot.
I have enjoyed today and I have learnt a lot.
The verb "enjoy" is transitive. Do you know what that means, Ali Kazi? :)
No, teechar.
What is a transitive verb?
A transitive verb requires an object. So in the sentences provided by emsr2d2, "today" is the object. In your sentence in post #1, the verb "enjoy" had no object. Do you follow me? :)
How can i follow you on this forum? i am a new member, please guide.
You could also say Today, I have enjoyed the class/lesson, etc.
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