to learn to drive/to learn driving/to learn how to drive

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Sep 15, 2013
Member Type
Student or Learner
Native Language
Home Country
Great Britain
Current Location
Great Britain
Hello everyone,

I have 2 sets of sentences. Can I use all 3 variants to describe the same idea?

1. I want to learn to drive.
2. I want to learn driving.
3. I want to learn how to drive.

1. I want to learn to speak English.
2. I want to learn speaking English.
3. I want to learn how to speak English.

Thank you.
Both #1s and #3s are correct.
So to say "I learnt swimming when I was 10." is wrong, right?
Hello Rover_KE,
But how about the verb "teach"+ing?
As you said before "learn+ing" is wrong. So instead of "I learnt reading." I should say "I learnt to read."
But what about "teach"? Which is correct "He taught me reading and writing?" or "He taught me to read and write?"
Thank you.
They're OK.
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