[Essay] To Kill A Mocking Bird, As Scout Grows Up

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Growing up should be fun but learning about the cruel realities of your society can be difficult. In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, by harper lee, as scout grows up she sees the changes in her society, but those that affect her the most are community, parenting, role of women, and courage. Scout learns more and more about the world as she grows up and she starts to see the war between the blacks and the whites. Scout hears a lot of rumours about Boo Radley but never sees him. She knows how her society is bad from the day Tom Robinson’s trial and from all the rumours that were made of Boo Radley.
Scout changes, grows and matures throughout the novel to kill a mocking bird when she learns the truth about her society and the world she lives in. During the trial she notices how her community is unfair even at a place where there should only be complete honesty and fairness. While living with her Aunt Alexandra, she changes from being a tomboy to a girl that has respect for everyone. While growing up and getting more mature Scout sees that there can me more than one type of courage, and while growing up she understands how her society is. She sees how her dad accepts the trail and how Mr. Link Deas stood up for Tom Robinson and how Boo Radley saved them from a night they were about to die by Bob Ewell.
The community decides the value and how ones raised, but it can take one person to make a small change. In the community where Scout lives, in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, Tom Robinson was accused of raping Mayella Ewell during the night of August 8. When they all attended to the trail a few months later, Tom Robinsion was pronounced Guilty. “Guilty…Guilty…Guilty…Guilty” (lee, 211). Judge taylor announced this after the trail was about to end because everyone made Tom Robinson guilty just because of him being black. Meanwhile even though Bob Ewell was the real suspect, they never knew that, and without real eviencde Tom Robinson was guilty. Scout notices how her community works and knows why Boo will never come out of his house in this bad, judging society. From being disrespectful to others, Scout grows up being mature like her father, Mr. Atticus. She knows everyone should be treated equally and fair. At the beginning of first day of school, Scout had a lot of fights, especially with Walter, but later on in the novel, Scout notices how a person should all be equal, so Scout became friends with Walter and gave him respect.
In a small town like Maycomb, everyone can make rumours and believe one another just by judging each other. In this community everyone was scared of a house couple blocks away from the Finch house hold. There was a person living in there named Boo Radley and there were many rumours about him. “According to Miss Stephanie, boo was sitting in the living room cutting some items from the Maycomb Tribune to paste in his scrapbook. His father entered the room as Radley passed by, Boo drove the scissors unto this parents leg, pulled them out, wiped them on his pants and resumed his activities” (Lee, 11). When Scout was a young child she believed all these rumours. She was scared of Boo without knowing or talking to him. Later on in the novel, Boo Radley did not just save them, but become her friend. While growing up, Scout sees how Boo Radley is and knows not to believe others without evidence. She grew older, and changed and matured enough to know to not listen to believe in rumours. Boo Radley did not just save them but protected them throughout the novel.
Freedom, fairness, respect, and honesty is all a kid is looking for. There are more than one way to good parenting. In this novel there are different characters with different personality such as nice, kind, selfish, rude, and judgemental. Being a good parent is the first step while raising your child. Atticus is one of the main characters in this novel and he is very concerned about Jem and Scout and is very nice to them. He makes Scout and Jem understand others in their small town and teach them not to disrespect others like everyone in Maycomb. ``You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view-`` (Lee,30). Atticus said this to scout because he wanted her to understand her teacher when scout was mad at her for not letting her read with her father and Atticus told her how you will not understand someone until you walk in there shoe, this shows fairness and respect. He does not beat or get mad at his kids. He allows them to do anything because he knows they will not do anything that’s bad. Scout learns from her dad and how he treats others. She learns how people should be respected for whom they are. Throughout the novel Scout changed and she is not like the others in her community. She cares for everyone and will listen to whom ever.
Rude, selfish, judgemental is all what a kid hates in their parents. In the middle of this novel, a person named Aunt Alexandra appears out of nowhere and starts controlling the finch house hold. Aunt Alexandra takes a motherly role and she does things for herself. Right when she entered the household, she complained about everyone. “You’ve got to do something about her” (Lee, 136). Aunt Alexandra was talking to Atticus about Calpurina, their house maid, and was disagreeing to Mr. Finch about her in the house because she is now here to take care of the kids. Atticus did not listen to her and kept her. Aunt Alexanadra told scout to not be friends with Walter Cunningham because of his poorness and dirtiness. She first told scout to act more feminine but she disagreed with that but later in the story she understands life more and how one should not treat each other disrespectfully
Getting forced into doing something is not very fair. In this novel, when Aunt Alexandra entered the finch household, she did not like Scout or Jem very much. “it was plain that Aunty thought me dull in the extreme because I once heard her tell Atticius that I was sluggish” (Lee, 128). Alexandra always thought of scout lazy. Just because of scout being friends with Walter and playing with Jem and Dill, Alexandra thought of her as a boy but wanted her more as a girl. Throughout the novel, scout learns more and more about the world she lives in. She turns from a complete tomboy from being a girl that has respect for others. During a meeting, scout took tea for other ladies and was polite young lady.
To one, it takes a lot of courage when not everyone agrees with you. Even thought whites are not allowed to defend blacks, atticus took a case that needed a lot of courage. Before the trail stared Scout got mad at Atticus for even taking this case. “I’m simply defending a negro- his name’s Tom Robinson… it wont come to trail until summer session” (Lee, 75). Atticus and scout were talking and he told her I needed to take this care because if he did not, he wouldn’t of have been able to tell the kid anything. He stood up for him like any other lawyers would do. Even though the blamed him guilty, he tried his best and everything he could of done. He knew Tom was innocent but he could not have done anything to stop him to go to jail. All the black community stood up to him and respected him just how he respect the black. Scout saw all this and she realized why Boo Radley does not come out of his house and into a judging society like that. From the day of the trial ended, Scout respected everyone in her community just like he father. Even thought she heard a lot of rumours about Boo Radley, when she first saw him, Scout was not scared of him because she saw how he protected her and Jem.
Standing up for small things can make huge differences. During the court trial, a guy named Mr. Link Deas stood up for Tom and defended him “I just want the whole lot of you to know one thing right now. That boy’s worked for me eight years an’ I ain’t had a speck o’trouble outa him. Not a speck” (Lee,195). Mr. Link Deas tried his best to help Atticus to prove the judge Bob Ewell was the real suspect, not Tom. Even though he got kicked out of the court, he had the courage to stand up for Tom in front of the crowd. Scout is brave and has courage for a lot of things. She is not scared to fight or do things that usually guys do. During this novel she changes and becomes someone else, but she still does have courage in her inner self. Scout was forced to being a girl, she did not want to do anything a girl does. During the novel, Scout was not afraid to dress up as a girl and give tea to all the ladies in the council. Scout had a lot of courage for doing this one little task.
From being a five year old girl in the beginning of the novel, Scout grows, changes and matures enough to know how the world she lives in works. From being disrespectful and having fight with everyone once in a while, she learned not to fight anymore because its not right. Scout learned not to be judgemental to blacks for whom she is. She sees how her dad is very nice to them and cares for others, while Aunt Alexandra and Uncle Jack are very rude to them. From being a tomboy and being friends and playing with Dill and Jem, she got thought to be more like a lady. She saw how everyone made rumours about Boo and how her society that she lives in is very bad, she learned to have a lot of courage no matter what. So being a child and growing up in a small, judging community would you change or be the same when you find our how the world you live in is a real disaster?
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