Tips for giving instruction?

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Jul 23, 2013
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What are the key points in giving instruction? What should I do to be clear and understandable?
What are the key points in giving instruction? What should I do to be clear and understandable?

I'm afraid your question is rather vague. What exactly are you asking?
In your previous threads, you have asked us things like "How do you correct your students' errors?" which suggests that you are an English teacher. Your profile shows that you are a "Student or Learner".

If you are already a teacher, then it seems a little late to ask us how you should be clear and understandable. That is your job!
A couple days ago, my students had difficulties understanding my instructions during the activity in one of the my lesson. Activity was very complex. I had to give long instructions because of its complexity. I repeated my instructions 2-3 times. Again, they said that we didn't get it. I spend a lot of time to make clear what they do. So, what should I do to prevent complexity of instruction? Should I write key words onto the board? Now, is it clear?
A couple days ago, my students had difficulties understanding my instructions during the activity in one of the my lesson. Activity was very complex. I had to give long instructions because of its complexity. I repeated my instructions 2-3 times. Again, they said that we didn't get it. I spend a lot of time to make clear what they do. So, what should I do to prevent complexity of instruction? Should I write key words onto the board? Now, is it clear?
Are you giving instructions in English to other learners of English? Your English is not especially good, so I can understand your problem.
Why not write the instructions down here, and we will see if we can understand them, or how you could improve?
A couple ​of days ago, my students had difficulties understanding my instructions during the activity in one of [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] my lessons. The activity was very complex. I had to give long instructions because of its complexity. I repeated my instructions 2-3 times. Again, they said that [STRIKE]we[/STRIKE] they didn't get it. I spent a lot of time trying to to make clear what they had to do. So, what should I do to [STRIKE]prevent[/STRIKE] avoid the complexity of instructions? Should I write key words onto the board? Now, is it clear?

OK, now we understand the problem at least. It is always helpful to explain things in full in your first post.

My first concern is whether or not your English is good enough to give such complex instructions. Do you think that the problem was with your students' comprehension or with your explanation? If you are giving your students very complex activities, then presumably their English is of an extremely high standard. Is your students' English better than yours? Do you think your students would have understood the instructions in their own language or was it simply that the activity was far too complicated? Did you invent the activity or did you get it from a book?

As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider.

I agree that it would be a great idea for you to write those instructions in this thread and see if we (native speakers) can understand them. Write them exactly as you explained them verbally so that we can exactly what you told your students.
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