Till which station is the metro available in ABC(name of a place)?


Feb 4, 2014
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Till which station is the metro available in ABC(name of a place)?

How far can you go via metro in ABC(name of a place)
Is it correct to say this? Or do we need to say 'Till which place is metro available in ABC(name of a place)?
I'm having trouble understanding your questions. Do you want to go to a certain place?
I'm having trouble understanding your questions. Do you want to go to a certain place?
Yes, but I am not sure whether the metro line goes as far as I want to go in that particular area. So I want to know how far or till which metro station can I go.
Ask "how close does the metro get to Place?"
What is the nearest metro station in ABC?
1. Till which station is the metro available in ABC space here (name of a place)?
2. How far can you go via metro in ABC space here (name of a place)?

Is it correct to say this? Or do we need to say 'Till which place is metro available in ABC(name of a place)? Are my questions correct?
Question 1 makes no sense at all. You can't say "Till which station ...?"
The answer to question 2 would be a distance. For example, "The Metro in Madrid covers 293 kilometres".

If you need to know how close to your present position you can find a Metro station, say "Where's the nearest Metro station?" The listener will know that you mean "Which is the closest Metro station in relation to where we're standing right now?"
Let's say you want to go to the Royal Palace in Madrid and want to take the Metro to it, say "What's the nearest Metro station to El Palacio Real?"

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