Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad?

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Nov 6, 2009
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Should we edit it into:

Those whom God wishes to destroy, He makes them mad first. ?
Should we edit it into:

Those whom God wishes to destroy, He makes them mad first. ?
No. You can capitalise "He" if you want to, but keep the word order.
You should be able to see this if it's expressed as below:
"God first makes [STRIKE]them[/STRIKE] mad those whom He wishes to destroy."
Should we edit it into:

Those whom God wishes to destroy, He makes them mad first. ?

And that is "mad" as in "crazy," not "angry."
I believe that even a capital letter is inappropriate. This is a quote from a classical (polytheistic) source, I'm pretty sure: 'Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.' (And yes, crazy not angry -'mad' didn't mean that in the Ancient World! ;-)

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