Those tiny organism are called plankton.

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Aug 9, 2015
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Hi, I do not know where to start, so I thought I would just copy and paste something I am working on. I would like to know what it is that I am going towards, and what type or paper it would be? I would like to make essay's and research papers out of it, but I only have a certain level of education and missed a lot of grade school. So what I am doing is pretty much trying to put short sentences and paragraphs together and hoping to make something coherent someday out of it.

Here is the info I want to incorporate:

There are a vast number of tiny organism which are perhaps the most important of all life on the planet. Those tiny organism are called plankton. Some are so small you could fit hundreds of them in a drop of water. The deversity of marine life is highly dependent on plankton in our seas and oceans. There are two distinct types of plankton. The first are phytoplankton which contribute to the nutrition of the other, zooplankton.

Plankton includes plants and animals that float along at the mercy of the sea's tides and currents. Their name comes from the Greek meaning "drifter" or "wanderer." There are two types of plankton: The first is called phytoplankton and the second is called zooplankton.

Phytoplankton are single cells, or are grouped together in chains and can photosynthesise just like plants. Phytoplankton produce over 50% of the worlds oxygen in the earths atmosphere and produce more oxygen then the rainforest and all the land plants on earh.

While zooplankton, Diatoms, Dinoflagellates and coccolithophores contain:

30-55% Protein
10-30% Lipids
5-15% Carbohydrate
DHA/EPA Are omega 3 fatty acids.

Some phytoplankton are bacteria, some are protists, and most are single-celled plants also called micro algae.
Phytoplankton are microscopic organisms living in the sea that are responsible for primary production. Phytoplankton are the major primary producers in the marine ecosystem. These microscopic, single-celled organisms harvest sunlight, Co2 and nutrients in the water through a process called photosynthesis and store it as life sustaining sugars called glucose. Phytoplankton are food for tiny creatures called zooplankton which consist of fish larvae and copods amoung other organism.
Phytoplankton also require inorganic nutrients such as nitrates, phosphates, and sulfur which they convert into proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

The two main classes of phytoplankton are dinoflagellates and diatoms. Dinoflagellates use a whip-like tail, or flagella, to move through the water and their bodies are covered with complex shells. Diatoms also have shells, but they are made of a different substance and their structure is rigid and made of interlocking parts. Diatoms do not rely on flagella to move through the water and instead rely on ocean currents to travel through the water.

Although Diatoms float through the water with the current they may be able to influence their own boyancy and move up and down to adapt to their environment in order to consume available sunlight and nutrients. Some get additional energy by consuming other organisms. Phytoplankton growth depends on the availability of carbon dioxide, sunlight, and nutrients.

Since phytoplankton are primary producers, many marine filter feeders and invertebrate depend on it. In the wild and on the coral reef, phytoplankton are an abundant food source for many creatures.

Generally however, within the home aquarium, phytoplankton are normally not present, so we have to introduce it through dosing, like we do other important elements. Since we are attempting to duplicate the coral reef, aquarists should incorpaerate this missing link in their daily regimen.

Phytoplankton produce (EFAs) Essential Fatty Acids and are consumed directly by filter feeders or by copepods which in turn are then eaten by fish and corals. In this manner their very important fatty acid content enter the food chain.

Green water High in EPA such as Nannochloropsis Oculata are a small algae usually in the 2 to 4 micron size. This is perfect to be consumed by amphipods, copepods, clams, shrimp larvae, sponges and certain corals directly. Nannochloropsis Oculata is also known to be a great water conditioner. (consumes and binds heavy metals, phosphate, nitrate.

The best way to eliminate nuisence algae blooms, is to fight it with a safe course of action by starving it. By Introducing a competetor such as Phytoplankton,We do this by slowly increasing the density of benefitial alga species, then simply allowing them to do what they do naturally, and that is to consume phoshate and nitrate which is the food source of nuisence algae. In other words and lets not forget the other benefitial aspects of phyto and that is that they are primary producers and are predated upon by numerous other organisms, if not directly, then indirectly.

Phytoplankton does not only eliminate the bad stuff,(nitrate/phosphate, it also turns the bad stuff into good stuff, (food), in which is consumed by a variety of aquarium
inhabitants Including copepods. Copepods compete for food such as fish feces and help get rid of organics like uneaten fish food before it turns into inorganics.

Phytoplankton is a natural way to balance your tank, and if dosed right will not cloud your water. Fight Algae with Micro Algae and encourage the culture of algae, (Algaculture).

How to use nannochloropsis oculata:

I recommend 1ml, for every gallon of tank water a day. As your copepod population increases and your filter feeders and corals become accustomed to feeding on live phytoplankton, you then can increase it gradually, until an ideal regimen for your tank is established.

Algae keeps things looking natural and provides a food source for fish and micro organisms. Thus, your goal should not be to eliminate all algae. Instead, it should be to manage its growth.

Bacterioplankton refers to the bacterial component of the plankton that drifts in the water column. The name comes from the Ancient Greek word(planktos), meaning "wanderer" or "drifter", and bacterium.

Bacterioplankton are both primary producers and primary consumers and drive global biogeochemical cycling of elements essential for life (e.g., carbon and nitrogen fixation). Many are saprotrophic, and obtain energy by consuming organic material produced by other organisms. This material may be dissolved in the medium and taken directly from there, or bacteria may live and grow in association with particulate material such as marine snow. Many other bacterioplankton species are autotrophic, and derive energy from either photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. The latter are often categorised as picophytoplankton, and include cyanobacterial groups. Bacterioplankton play critical roles in global nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification, remineralisation and methanogenesis.

Like other small plankton, the bacterioplankton are usually preyed upon by zooplankton and other filter feeders.:)
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Re: Help an Autistic

Hi DrBlueThumb! It's great to see you on the forum again. :)
Research papers usually present something novel; e.g., the experimental results of a study to test a hypothesis, or a description/survey of something usually new or different. What you have above appears to be suitable as background material for a paper. Alternatively, you can certainly use that text to write a descriptive essay on plankton. What do you want to write, and where do you want to publish it? Also, is the above mainly information you gathered from other sources?
Re: Help an Autistic

Thanks for the response. It's a great site here and I noticed you are doing a great job.

I ended up going to adult learning center, but didn't do to well, but I did do ok. I am hoping to self educate on my own for a few years and try again, and at least be able to put together a 3-5 paragraph thesis and maybe a research paper before I return.

I am trying to convey my stance on what I believe plankton, which consist of phytoplankton,zooplankton and copepods amoung a few other things are capable of doing in the wild and how we can do the same thing in our home aquaria. It is for my own research, and self education, so I can write stuff and remember things, while adding to it occasionally.

I know if I want to go to school, or apply for a government grant, or even a small business loan etc. I will need to start off with a 3 point essay, then a 5 point essay and then a research style paper. Not sure if a 5 point essay will be long enough for a research paper, but I would like to start to learn how to gather my thoughts and points together, so I can write in a clear path and be understood.

I have experimental results and a hypothesis and I can describe/survey something new and different.

75% of what I write here is information from other sources and 25% is my own. Lol these are basically my note taking I guess and I would like to start from scratch
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Re: Help an Autistic

Hi DrBlueThumb! It's great to see you on the forum again. :)
Research papers usually present something novel; e.g., the experimental results of a study to test a hypothesis, or a description/survey of something usually new or different. What you have above appears to be suitable as background material for a paper. Alternatively, you can certainly use that text to write a descriptive essay on plankton. What do you want to write, and where do you want to publish it? Also, is the above mainly information you gathered from other sources?

I've never completed a thesis before, I was thinking of doing a thesis on "what is plankton"

I am going to do a 5 paragraph essay on plankton. I just do not know where to start, I've been reading up on how to do a thesis for years, just never been able to but one together. I think I am just getting the hang of putting sentences and paragraphs together, and now I believe I am ready.

Come to think of it I need help with writing effective paragraphs too, which will turn into a 5 paragraph thesis. I think I will stick to this subject and topic which is plankton. Something I know about.
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Re: Help an Autistic

What you need to figure out first is what is the purpose of your text and who are the intended audience. I would imagine "what is plankton?" is too broad. You need to have a narrower and more focused scope.

As for paragraphing, remember the golden rule: one idea in one paragraph; i.e., do not scatter your ideas.
Re: Help an Autistic

Hows is: Tisbe harpacticoid and how it can benefit your home reef ecosystem?

I got tested last year and I came in around the grade 10 basic level. But imo I am much lower because I missed most of grade school and floated through high school at a vocational school.
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Re: Help an Autistic

Do you mean "how Tisbe harpacticoid can benefit your home reef ecosystem"?
Otherwise, something seems missing from the start of that title.
Re: Help an Autistic

"The Tisbe harpacticoid and how it can benefit your home reef ecosystem"?


"How the Tisbe harpacticoid copepod can benefit your home reef ecosystem"?
Re: Help an Autistic

I prefer #2.
Re: Help an Autistic

Is this the title of my 3 point thesis? or a topic and controlling idea for a paragraph? Do I need to come up with three points now, in which I would like to write a paragraph each about? or just three details and a conclusion to finish a single paragraph?
Re: Help an Autistic

My audience will be people with a basic chemistry and biology background,and the average education of Canada. It will be for people on salt water forums interested in learning advanced methodologies.
Re: Help an Autistic

My first paragraph ever written the way I interpret that a teacher would like to see. mind you, it needs a lot of correcting and is just a draft.

How the Tisbe harpacticoid copepod can benefit your home reef system. Tisbe is benthic (spending most of it's time crawling along the surface) eating left over fish feces and uneaten fish food. This particular copepod can also consume phytoplankton which makes it extremely nutritious to feeding your reef fish. Also they easily reproduce with in the home aquaria. For these following reasons they are a great benefit to your salt water reef aquarium.


I have the feeling I need to repeat grade school style writing, then progress from there. I need to know the basics. That would mean a lot to me.
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Re: Help an Autistic

Body details:

Personal observation
Steps and procedures
Sensory details

People swarm all over my grammar on forums but..... When you try to correct it....
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Re: Help an Autistic

Is this the title of my 3 point thesis, or a topic and controlling idea for a paragraph?
It can be either. You need to decide which.

Do I need to come up with three points now, [STRIKE]in[/STRIKE] for each of which I [STRIKE]would like to[/STRIKE] write a paragraph, [STRIKE]each about?[/STRIKE] or just three details and a conclusion to finish a single paragraph?
Again, it depends on what you want.
Re: Help an Autistic

This is my first paragraph ever written the way I [STRIKE]interpret that[/STRIKE] suspect a teacher would like to see. Mind you, it needs a lot of correcting and is just a draft.

[STRIKE]How[/STRIKE] The Tisbe harpacticoid copepod can benefit your home reef system in several ways. Tisbe is benthic (spending most of its time crawling along the surface) eating leftovers, fish feces and uneaten fish food. This particular copepod can also consume phytoplankton, which makes it extremely nutritious [STRIKE]to[/STRIKE] for feeding your reef fish. Also, they easily reproduce [STRIKE]with[/STRIKE] in [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] home aquaria.
Note especially the correction to the topic sentence of the above paragraph.

For these following reasons they are a great benefit to your salt water reef aquarium.
This sentence doesn't really fit into the above paragraph.
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