"This is my Chinese/China phone number, please keep somewhere safe."

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I will be traveling to China for company business trip and our company has given us assigned cell phones. And I say to my wife:

"This is my Chinese/China phone number, please keep it somewhere safe."

Are both okay here?
I will be traveling to China for company business trip and our company has given us assigned cell phones. And I say to my wife:

"This is my Chinese/China phone number, please keep it somewhere safe."

Are both okay here?
Chinese is the correct choice but you are saying that you have a telephone which is based in China. It would be like me saying that this is my New York number - I live in California and one would assume, upon hearing this, that I also have a telephone number in New York. It would be simpler for you to say "This is the number for the phone I will be using while I am in China."
Chinese is the correct choice but you are saying that you have a telephone which is based in China. It would be like me saying that this is my New York number - I live in California and one would assume, upon hearing this, that I also have a telephone number in New York. It would be simpler for you to say "This is the number for the phone I will be using while I am in China."

Why is it Chinese phone number, when we would say: This is my US number, and not this is my American number, or This is my UK number, and not this is English number...

Do you know where I'm coming from?
Why is it Chinese phone number, when we would say: This is my US number, and not this is my American number, or This is my UK number, and not this is English number...
Some places don't lend themselves well to making adjectives - US, UK and New York are three of them.
I would say, "Here is my Australian number and my New Zealand number". Yes, it's inconsistent, but I'd say it. And I'd use 'Chinese'.
How about This is my number in China?
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