This guy is looking for the killer of Bruce Lee!

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Sep 30, 2019
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In my language, when someone becomes too finicky and fussy and pedantic, we say something that literally translates to "he is looking for Bruce Lee's murderer!"

It means that person is expecting something which is practically impossible and they are being overly finicky.


I gave my essay to my tutor yesterday. He started fussing me and then he fussed over some of the points I made in the essay. I really don't know what he wants from me and my essay. I think he is looking for Bruce Lee's murderer.

The customer fussed over the plaster work of the building and made a big deal out of it but I think it's perfectly fine. I think he is looking for Bruce Lee's murderer

Is there a similar expression in English?
I can't think of one, but it doesn't matter because I'm going to use to be looking for Bruce Lee's murderer too from now on!
There is a Chinese idiom "to look for bones in an egg". It means "to deliberately find fault with someone who is faultless".
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Wasn't Bruce Lee killed by an allergic reaction to a medicine?
I can't think of one, but it doesn't matter because I'm going to use to be looking for Bruce Lee's murderer too from now on!

There is a Chinese idiom "to look for bones in an egg". It means "to deliberately find fault with someone who is faultless".

I do like this idiom.
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