They kept picking on his accent

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Aug 8, 2010
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Someone in my chat room (he's Chinese) speaks English and his accent and pronunciation sound like British people. I like his British accent very much. However, some people added the comments at the chat room saying that his accent is stilted. Those people kept saying that and laughing at his accent. I wrote a sentence to express the idea:

They kept picking on his accent.

Is it natural?
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Are you just looking for the best way of expressing what you mean? Or are you specifically trying to practise the verb 'pick on'?

In the sense of bullying that we have here, it's usually used like this: pick on somebody
Are you just looking for the best way of expressing what you mean? Or are you specifically trying to practise the verb 'pick on'?

In the sense of bullying that we have here, it's usually used like this: pick on somebody
Much appreciated, jutfrank.

I'm looking for the best way to express what I mean. The first phrase came to my mind was "pick on". So, how can I express that idea naturally? How about:

They kept criticizing and laughing at his accent.
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