They have certainly made progress.

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Sep 30, 2019
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Is this correct and natural?

They have certainly made progress. Fifty years ago, this whole area was a vast expanse of desert, shimmering in mirages of dancing heat waves. The discovery of a sea of oil under the sandy dunes changed everything. From nothing rose skyscrapers, each striving to soar above the one that came before it. Flush with oil cash, they cut through the desert with a road that is flanked by these towering buildings. Where once tribal tents stood now stand lavish hotels that shimmer under the merciless sun during the days and twinkle with a million points of light at nights. A shining city bloomed out of a barren desert.
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Is this correct and natural?

They have certainly made progress. Fifty years ago, this whole area was a vast expanse of desert, shimmering in mirages of dancing heat waves. The discovery of a sea of oil under the sandy dunes changed everything. From nothing rose skyscrapers, each striving to soar above the one that came before [STRIKE]it[/STRIKE]. Flush with oil cash, they cut through the desert with a road [STRIKE]that is[/STRIKE] flanked by [STRIKE]these[/STRIKE] towering buildings. Where once tribal tents stood now stand lavish hotels that shimmer under the merciless sun during by day and twinkle with a million points of light by night. A shining city bloomed out of a barren desert.
Good English writing.
How about blossomed?
Sure, that's fine, too.
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