They had put a rope through its nose and when they lifted that bear hoped to avoid pa

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Feb 4, 2014
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In the past somewhere 22-23 years ago jugglers used to come to show bear dance. Kids used to watch that a lot. Now it has been banned. But now I have understood bear used not to dance. They had put a rope through its nose and when they lifted that bear hoped to avoid pain.

Please check my sentences.
I'm not sure where to start. Every sentence except the third contains at least one error. Let's take this one sentence at a time, shall we?

In the past somewhere 22-23 years ago jugglers used to come to show bear dance.

1. You need at least two commas in this sentence.
2. You need a word after "somewhere".
3. You need a word instead of the dash between "22" and "23".
4. "... used to come to show bear dance" is not grammatical. Try again.
I'm not sure where to start. Every sentence except the third contains at least one error. Let's take this one sentence at a time, shall we?

In the past somewhere 22-23 years ago jugglers used to come to show bear dance.

1. You need at least two commas in this sentence.
2. You need a word after "somewhere".
3. You need a word instead of the dash between "22" and "23".
4. "... used to come to show bear dance" is not grammatical. Try again.

In the past, somewhere about 22 or 23 years ago, jugglers used to come with their bears.
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