- They’re staying with their parents __________ the time being.(for)

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Junior Member
Feb 2, 2016
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English Teacher
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Peace be upon you
I saw this strange sentence,I couldn't get its meaning.Can you help

- They’re staying with their parents __________ the time being.
a) during
b) for
c) since
d) when
Is this homework?

Please remember to put a space after every comma and period. (Semicolons, colons, question marks and exclamation marks also require one).
Is this homework?

Please remember to put a space after every comma and period. (Semicolons, colons, question marks and exclamation marks also require one).

What should I do now , sir?
Will you give me an answer,or will you give me .................
When I put a sentence with my answer that means I follow the rules.That is all needed.
What you should do is answer the question "Is this homework?"
Why should I answer such a question?
I wrote...I saw this strange sentence.....................
Isn't it enough?
If you saw a strange sentence, it wouldn't come looking like a multiple choice question on a test or on homework.

We will not knowingly help with homework. If you submit a test or paper, and your teacher marks your answer as incorrect, and you aren't sure why, THEN you can ask about it.
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