These chatrooms are highly addictive....

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Aug 8, 2010
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I spent 24 hours in total in many English chat rooms speaking English with others. I really love it because I can use what I've learned.

I wrote a sentence to express the idea:

These chat rooms are highly addictive. I can't really put them down.

Is the italic sentence natural?
The first half is OK because chatrooms can be addictive. The second half doesn't work. Reserve "can't put it down" for physical books.
Much appreciated. I want an expression to express that "can't put it down" idea. May I have your suggestion?
How about "I can't get away from them"?
I have spent 24 hours in total in many English chat rooms speaking English with others. I really love it because I can use what I've learned.

I wrote a sentence to express the idea:

These chat rooms are highly addictive. I can't really put them down.

Is the italic sentence natural?
Try: "I can't get enough if it."
I am glued to them.
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They're doing my head in.
It can have, but it can also be used for losing your marbles doing something.
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