There are many much more difficult things in life than grammar

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Apr 13, 2019
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Are my sentences correct?

A) There are many much more difficult things in life than grammar
B) Grammar isn't the most difficult thing in life. There are many much more difficult things.
I am not at all keen on "many much more". It's not wrong but it's awkward.

A doesn't sound natural because of how late in the sentence "than grammar" comes. It could be improved by starting with "In life, ..." instead.
B is longer but better.

(You forgot to put a full stop at the end of sentence A.)
"many" or "much" not both.
I'm aware it's awkward. I wanted to cluster many, much, and more together on purpose, to exercise grammar.

The idea is that said things are not just more difficult; they're much more difficult, and there's many of them.

I'm only interested if A and B are grammatical. They don't need to be natural or elegant.
They are grammatical and they'd be fine in speech because you could clarify the meaning by inserting a very tiny pause after many. In writing you'd be well advised to rephrase them.

There are many things in life that are harder than grammar.

There are many things in life that are much harder than grammar.

The addition of "much" retains the OP's idea of "much more difficult".
There are not many things that are much harder than grammar.

(Grammar is pretty hard. 😉 )
There are many things in life much more difficult than grammar.
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