The Youth has a high growth potential

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Dec 22, 2011
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"The Youth has a high growth potential and our main driver for growth.

I gathered in one place all the services that they are most likely looking for (gaming cards, gift cards, OTT content platforms card, Car-Hailing cards)."

Hi all,
I am sending an email and would like to say that I put all the services the youth need in one place. Can I say it as mentioned above?
"[STRIKE]The[/STRIKE] Youth has a high growth potential and is our main driver for growth.

I gathered in one place all the services that they are most likely looking for (gaming cards, gift cards, OTT content platforms cards, and car-hailing cards).[STRIKE]"[/STRIKE]

Hi all,
I am sending an email and would like to say that I put all the services [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] youth want in one place. Can I say it as mentioned above?
I tend to think of youth as plural. So I would say Youth are.

They are only interested in those five things? What are OTT cards?
I tend to think of youth as plural. So I would say Youth are.

They are only interested in those five things? What are OTT cards?
Or: Young people.
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