The students have to write on a piece of paper,after thinking thoroughly


Sep 20, 2010
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Good afternoon,
I would like to ask about a sentence.
If we write the following.
The students have to write on a piece of paper,after thinking thoroughly, five words that they do not understand their meaning. Is it grammatically acceptable?
... five words that they do not understand their meaning.

The bold part is ungrammatical. You could correct it like this:

... five words that they do not understand the meaning of.
Good afternoon.
I would like to ask about a sentence. Unnecessary

If we write the following. "The students have to write on a piece of paper, space after a comma after thinking thoroughly, five words that they do not understand their meaning", is it grammatically acceptable correct?
Note my changes and comments above. There's no need to tell us that you want to ask us something. That's what we're here for. Simply ask your question. There's also no need for a greeting such as "Good afternoon". However, when you do open with something like that, follow it with a full stop, not a comma.
Thank you and something else. The sentence " Find five text verbs in the following text which are in the Past Simple Form", is it considered grammatically acceptable? I am asking because I know that after verb we put the object but I hava noticed that in some cases when the object is followed by a complement such as relative clause or extra information, we can somehow violate the rule. I am sure though if it is correct or something that natives do out of lack of knowledge or convenience. ( native Greek here).
Thank you. and something else.
You don't need to tell us you have another question!
Is the sentence "Find five text verbs in the following text which are in the past simple" Form", is it considered grammatically acceptable correct?
Note the correct word order for a question.
It would be quicker and more natural to say "Find five past simple verbs in the following text".
I am asking because I know that after verb we put the object but I hava have noticed that in some cases, when the object is followed by a complement such as a relative clause or extra information, we can somehow violate the rule.
How have you violated a rule?
I am sure though if it is correct or something that natives do out of lack of knowledge or convenience. (I am native Greek speaker here).
Did you mean "I am not sure if ..."?
@snoopya1984 I noticed that you have 107 posts here. That makes your posts in this thread harder to understand. Could you be a little more careful with punctuation?
@snoopya1984 I noticed that you have 107 posts here. That makes your posts in this thread harder to understand. Could you be a little more careful with punctuation?
Do you mean that I have to delete my older ones? Well, regarding punctuation I always have an issue on the computer, using spaces etc. I am used to the old-fashioned written form but I will do my best. Sorry, if it is frustrating!
Do you mean that I have to delete my older ones?
Absolutely not.
Well, regarding punctuation I always have an issue on the computer, using spaces etc. I am used to the old-fashioned written form but I will do my best. Sorry no comma here if it is frustrating!
There is nothing "old-fashioned" about writing (I assume you mean with a pen and paper). The punctuation rules for handwriting and typing on a computer/tablet/phone are exactly the same.
You don't need to tell us you have another question!

Note the correct word order for a question.
It would be quicker and more natural to say "Find five past simple verbs in the following text".

How have you violated a rule?

Did you mean "I am not sure if ..."?
I was not sure if adding "in the following text" was correct .

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