the state of being foreign: Xeno-ness?

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Sep 30, 2019
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Xeno means foreign, right? Can I use "xeno-ness" to mean the state of being foreign?

Is this okay?

She has embraced her xeno-ness in a country where not many immigrants live.

Is that doesn't work, what word can I use? (I already know foreignness).
She has embraced her xeno-ness in a country where not many immigrants live.
It's very unusual. Some people would understand you. Many wouldn't. I wouldn't have been sure without your opening line.

Is that doesn't work, what word can I use? (I already know foreignness).
She's accepted that she's a foreigner in a country where there aren't many.

Keep it simple and direct. (Edit: The first "She's" is a contraction of "She has" while the second is of "she is".)

(I already know foreignness).
Where do you "know" it from? "Foreignness" isn't a regular word.
No. If people know a word associated with foreigners, it is "xenophobia." Probably most native English speakers don't even know that word.

Don't try to make your own words up with uncommon Greek roots.
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