The identification badges you received at orientation

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Mar 4, 2017
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(From a TOEIC test)

From: <Sender>
To: <New Employees List>
Subject: Welcome

The Lownmaster Toronto office is pleased to have such a promising group of new employees become part of our consulting team. Please review the company policies listed below and familiarize yourself with some important locations on our campus.


The identification badges you received at orientation must be worn at all times; they provide access to the buildings on campus. If your identification badge is misplaced, contact the Security Desk immediately. [...]

Why is “The identification badges you received” in the plural, while “If your identification badge is misplaced” in the singular?

I assume that the first one is speaking in general to all of them (all new employees), so “The identification badges” and “you” (plural), while the second one is as if to speak to one/each of them, so “If your identification badge is misplaced”(singular). Is that right?
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Yes, though I doubt if the writer thought about this consciously.
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