The hardest part in learning any language is grammar

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Rachel Adams

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Nov 4, 2018
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Is "the"required before"grammar"?

"The hardest part in learning any language is grammar."
Yes. It's the grammar (of the language you are learning).
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I'd use "The hardest part of learning ...".
You could drop the if you were talking in general about all language learning.
You could drop the if you were talking in general about all language learning.

If I dropped "the", I'd use either:

The hardest part of learning any language ...
The hardest part of learning languages ...

To me, "The hardest part of learning language is ..." sounds odd.
Yes, but it's whether you say grammar or the grammar.
Yes, but it's whether you say grammar or the grammar.

:oops: Oops! Good point. I'd probably keep "the" before "grammar".
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