The girl's voice rang __________ above everyone else's.

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Aug 27, 2015
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The girl’s voice rang __________ above everyone else's.

a. highly
b. highest
c. higher
d. high

I think c is the best answer, as a form of a comparison
Where did you find that question? You must always cite the source of any text that is not your own.
As usual on a facebook group.
Which facebook group? Can you provide a link?
As usual on a facebook group.
Never assume that people know where you "usually" take your texts from. We deal with hundreds of different users here. Please provide the name of the Facebook group and a screenshot, and always do this in post #1.
It is a question not more not less. You had rather write the answer and save your time and efforts .not all these FBI procedures.
It is a question, nothing more, nothing less. You had rather should write the answer and save your time and efforts, not carry out all these FBI procedures.
If you're not prepared to cite the legally required source information, we cannot help you.
I note you deleted the contents of post #1. I have reinstated the text so that other users can read the whole thread.
I am now locking this thread. If you post any more threads without the source information, they will be deleted and you run the risk of a warning.
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