the easiest/simplest to play

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VIP Member
Dec 27, 2010
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South Korea
1. Drums are a musical instrument (which is) the easiest/simplest to play.
2. Drums are the simplest/easiest musical instrument to play.
You have only to hit the drums or cymbals. But as nothing is just easy, there are some things/a few things you have to learn to play drums.

Please let me know which of 1 and 2 is better and if the underlined parts are correct.
Drums are easy; drums are hard


The drum is the easist musical instrument to play.
Re: Drums are easy; drums are hard

You pound on drums. Or you tap on them. It depends.

You can also bang on them.
Re: Drums are easy; drums are hard

Doesn't "hit drums" work? I seem to have seen this on the internet.

You pound on drums. Or you tap on them. It depends.

You can also bang on them.
Re: Drums are easy; drums are hard

You pound on drums. Or you tap on them. It depends.

You can also bang on them.

Doesn't "hit drums" work? I seem to have seen that on the internet.

Re: Drums are easy; drums are hard

Doesn't "hit drums" work? I seem to have seen it on the internet.

You can find lots of things on the internet. Are you going to let something you happened to see on the internet be your guide?
Re: Drums are easy; drums are hard

If you need drum-specific terminology, have a good read of this website.
Re: Drums are easy; drums are hard

I want a set of drums. Will you buy me one?

(They describe five different ways of holding drumsticks. Wow! (I have my own method.))

Having (and using) a metronome is a good idea for a drummer. (For practicing keeping a beat.) Keannu, do you have one?
Re: Drums are easy; drums are hard

Ron & Don

Don: Ron, do you play drums?
Ron: I used to. I had a snare drum.
Don: Just the one?
Ron: Yes, just one.
Don: Did it come with drumsticks?
Ron: Yes, it did.
Don: You miss it, don't you.
Ron: Yes, I do.

I remember seeing that drum on sale somewhere. I couldn't resist! (I didn't play it often.)
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