the difference between "anyone" and "whoever"

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Mar 14, 2010
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Here the sentence: I hope ____(whoever/anyone) that was involved in that accident was all right.
I know "whoever" is to be used here, but I'm not clear why "anyone" is not acceptable in the sentence. Is it because "anyone" is directed to a group of known people, whereas "whoever" is used more for an unknow group of people? Or is it because "anyone" can't be followed by a subordinate clause?
Who told you that 'whoever' should be used here? "I hope whoever that was involved..." is wrong. It would be correct without 'that'.
If I had that choice, I'd go with 'anyone', even though it's still not ideal. It's not a good choice of alternatives.
'I hope anyone involved in that accident was all right.'
'That was' is omitted, is it OK?
Who told you that 'whoever' should be used here? "I hope whoever that was involved..." is wrong. It would be correct without 'that'.
If I had that choice, I'd go with 'anyone', even though it's still not ideal. It's not a good choice of alternatives.
It's from an workbook on grammar. I guess the sentence as well as the key is not correctly provided, which makes me confused. Now it's clear. Thank you for the explanation
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