The curriculum of some of the medical programs at that university

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Sep 30, 2019
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What is a word/phrase that is used to talk about fields of study related to medicine in general?

Can I use "medical programs"?

Is this correct?

The curriculum of some of the medical programs at that university does not pay sufficient attention to practical use of knowledge.

By that, I mean medical fields such as medicine, pharmacology, dentistry, etc.
What is a word/phrase that is used to talk about fields of study related to medicine in general?

Can I use "medical programs"?

Is this correct?

The curricula of some of the medical programs at that university do not pay sufficient attention to the practical use of knowledge.

By that, I mean medical fields such as medicine, pharmacology, dentistry, etc.
I think programs is fine. You might also say departments or colleges, depending on how the university is organized and what it teaches.

But I've never been to medical school, so let's see if anyone else can improve on those.
What is a word/phrase that is used to talk about fields of study related to medicine in general?

I think fields of medicine is the best way to say that, but medical fields is also good.

Neither of these works in your example though because you don't mean that. You're asking about the educational courses, not the fields themselves. I might suggest medicine courses or the wordy courses in fields of medicine, perhaps.
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