The commercial milk formula industry deploys a strategy - the rhetoric of the passage

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Feb 19, 2016
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“The commercial milk formula industry deploys a sophisticated and highly effective marketing playbook to turn the care and concern of parents and caregivers into business opportunities.”

Source: The Lancet

Is the rhetoric of the above passage a bit sarcastic? It appears to be so to me because it seems to imply that the care and concern of parents and caregivers is far more important than marketing or business opportunities. I am not very sure.

Is it a bit sarcastic to you native English speakers?

It isn't sarcastic exactly but it does imply that the industry exploits the fact that parents would be concerned about their children's nutrition.
I don't see anything cynical about turning concerns or needs into business opportunities. It's normal that a business benefits from the fulfilling of needs of consumers.
I don't see anything cynical about turning concerns or needs into business opportunities. It's normal that a business benefits from the fulfilling the needs of consumers.
I don't detect any sarcasm, but the wording is a bit surprising. I would say they employ an effective marketing strategy.
Without wishing to make the thread controversial, the cynicism is based on the fact that, except for the minority of women who are unable to breastfeed, there is no consumer need for milk formula. One particular famous Swiss company created a "need" for its formula product by aggressively convincing mothers, mainly in what was referred to as the third world, that breastfeeding is unhealthy and their formula is healthy.
@emsr2d2 I did not fully understand that before. Some cynicism is definitely justified.
I don't see anything cynical about turning concerns or needs into business opportunities. It's normal that a business benefits from the fulfilling the needs of consumers.
I think the first "the" should be omitted.

It's either:
from fulfilling the needs...
from the fulfilling of needs...
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