The coach insisted that the marching band statue be taken down.


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Jan 1, 2024
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I found the following sentence in a tutorial that I’m following these days.

The coach insisted that the marching band statue be taken down.

While I was reading it, I was wondering what would happen if we add “to” before “be” to form the following sentence.

The coach insisted that the marching band statue to be taken down.

Is the above sentence - the second one - grammatically correct? Plus, if it’s in line with grammar rules, what is the difference between these two sentences when it comes to the meaning of the sentences.
Please provide the full source of the quoted text. Either provide a link to the tutorial or give us the name of the author/tutor and the title of website/book. This is required every time you quote someone else's words.
Thank you for the reply. The tutorial is a pronunciation practicing one. And this is an isolated sentence.

The coach insisted that the marching band statue to be taken down.
Thank you for the reply. The tutorial is a for pronunciation practicing one practice no full stop here and this is an isolated sentence.
You still haven't provided the source. We need the title and author of the tutorial.

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