"The bar chart provides data about road transport in some European countries..."

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Jun 3, 2022
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I wrote this essay. Please, answer my few questions below.
The bar chart provides data about road transport in some European countries.

Overall, it is clear that transport by road is most common in Denmark and least common in Spain. While the figures for Germany and Spain are lower than the European average, those for the other countries are higher.

In Europe, road vehicles travel 10,000 kilometres each year on average. Regarding Denmark, France, Italy, and the UK, road vehicles in Denmark cover over 12,000 kilometres each year, and this is the highest figure, followed by France's 12,000 and Italy's figure of over 10,000. Lastly, people in the UK travel just over 10,000 kilometres per year, which, although lower than the distances covered in Denmark, France, and Italy, is higher than the EU average.

Distances covered by road vehicles per year in Germany (above 80,000) and in Spain (over 80,000) are considerably lower than the EU average. It is worth noting that Germany's figure is only negligibly higher than Spain's, the lowest.

"While the figures for Germany and Spain are lower than the European average, those for the other countries are higher."
1) Is it okay to omit "than the European average"?

"people in the UK travel just over 10,000 kilometres per year, which, although lower than the distances covered in Denmark, France, and Italy, is higher than the EU average."
2) Is this sentence grammatical?

"Distances covered by road vehicles per year in Germany (above 80,000) and in Spain (over 80,000) are considerably lower than the EU average."
3) Is my use of brackets grammatical, clear, and acceptable?
4) Is it correct to say "distances covered by"?


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1. Of course.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. Of course.

What do you mean by "road vehicles"? Do you mean passenger cars as well as trucks? Why do you need text if you have a chart? Why did you say "above 80,000" in one place and "over 80,000" in another place?
1. Of course.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. Of course.

What do you mean by "road vehicles"? Do you mean passenger cars as well as trucks? Why do you need text if you have a chart? Why did you say "above 80,000" in one place and "over 80,000" in another place?
Any vehicle that runs on road; cars, lorries, trucks, buses, etc

"Why do you need text if you have a chart?"
I wanted to describe the chart. I'm practising for IELTS, an international English exam.

"Why did you say "above 80,000" in one place and "over 80,000" in another place?"

It was a mistake; I wanted to type 8,000. According to the table, more than 8,000 km is covered each year in both Spain and Germany.
@hardyweineberg I was referring to "above" in one place and "over" in another place. (No big deal.) Also, you answered a question I didn't ask. I was wondering though why there was such a big change from 10,000 to 80,000.

I'm not a tester, but I think you're quite advanced. You should ace that test.
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