The band played while I was leaving.


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Dec 30, 2006
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1. The band played while I was leaving.
2. The band was playing while I was leaving.
Source: Ting-Chi Tang, English Question Box: An Introduction to Linguistic Analysis of English, p310.

According to the author, the above sentences are both correct.
Do native speakers agree with that?
The first slightly hints that the band was playing because you were leaving, while the second makes it seem coincidental.

The second is more natural.
What's the difference in meaning between the sentences below?

3. The band played while I waited.
4. The band played while I was waiting.
5. The band was playing while I waited.
6. The band was playing while I was waiting.
Source: Ting-Chi Tang, English Question Box: An Introduction to Linguistic Analysis of English, p310.
I find that the use of "while" makes the act of leaving sound longer than it is. I'd use "as".

The band was playing as I left.
The band was playing as I was leaving.

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