The auto industry

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Feb 12, 2017
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The auto industry is under attack by companies like Tesla that develop e-cars. Let's all hope and pray that traditional car manufacturers such as Mercedes and Ford will be able to hold against. Driving powerful combustion engines is so much fun. The sound, the smell, the riding pleasure is irreplaceable. As long as there's a drop of gas on planet earth, I'll never stop.
Is my text OK or does it need improvement?

It depends on the standards you set for yourself. Nearly all texts could be improved. There are several ways you could improve this text. I'd start by changing "hold against".
They are known as internal combustion engines.
It depends on the standards you set for yourself. Nearly all texts could be improved. There are several ways you could improve this text. I'd start by changing "hold against".

What I meant with "hold against" was something like "compete", "face the challenge" or "beat the opponent". Which term would you recommend?
How about hold back?
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