the 23rd day of the eight-year war, which has been going on for over a hundred years

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Dec 6, 2022
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Could you please tell me how you would understand this turn of phrase? The 23rd day of what? My best guess is the authour "missed" by a whole month: the article was published on April, 19th, 2022 - 23 days and one month after the war broke out. If it had been published on March, 19th, it would be logical to me.

Therefore, in 2014, Russia restarted its efforts to return Ukraine to its influence by military means. First occupying the Crimea and capturing part of the Donbas, now launching a large-scale offensive against Ukraine.
That’s why today we have the 23rd day of the eight-year war, which has been going on for over a hundred years.

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I agree with your logic about the "one month and 23 days" part but it does seem odd that he would make such a grammatical error. Adding in that month would require a complete rewording of the sentence. Maybe his maths was the problem.
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