That was a pleasant sunny day while John was walking


Key Member
Jun 19, 2009
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English Teacher
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Russian Federation
The following sentence seems to be grammatically correct, and still I feel like it sounds a bit unnatural. Does it sound natural to you?
That was a pleasant sunny day while John was walking to the nearest village.
I have some doubts as to whether it is correct to use 'that' and 'while' in this sentence?
It's very unnatural.

It was sunny when John was walking to the nearest village.
John walked to the nearest village on a sunny day.
And is it unnatural to say "It was a sunny day when John was walking..."?
Yes. You can only comment on what the weather was like while he was walking. It was sunny. Whether the whole day was sunny or not is irrelevant.
Can we use 'while' just as well? (It was sunny while John was walking to the nearest village.)
And is it possible not to skip 'pleasant'? (It was sunny and pleasant?)
@englishhobby Two things. One, you don't need "pleasant" there. Two, are you going to start every sentence with "And"?

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