That is a good way to kill her butterflies, Harold.

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Dec 30, 2006
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Gwen: Good news, Harold! Alice said something about you today. She said "Harold's cute. I get butterflies when I see him."
Harold: What does that mean? Is she nervous around me?
Gwen: No. People get butterflies when they are happy, too. Alice likes you.
Harold: She does? Does she want to go out with me?
Gwen: Yes! Alice likes watching sports. You can take her to soccer games.
Harold: But I'm not a soccer fan. Besides, I enjoy being in quiet places.
Gwen: All right. What ideas do you have, then?
Harold: What about Moon River? It's lovely to walk around there on summer nights. There are many beautiful bugs.
Gwen: Alice is scared of bugs. That is a good way to kill her butterflies, Harold.
What does the sentence in bold mean?
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You are doing the right thing to kill her romantic feeling towards you.
"Having butterflies" is an idiom meaning "being nervous about something, which could be negative or positive. Gwen saying that taking a walk along the river would "kill her butterflies" probably means the action would "put Alice off" or "to dampen her enthusiasm" about Harold, as she is scared of bugs (also an insect like butterflies, being a play of the word).
Which is NOT true?
(A) Alice is always nervous when she sees Harold.
(B) Harold wants to go out with Alice.
(C) Alice may not like being around bugs.
(D) Gwen is trying to help Harold.
The answer to the above question is option A.
Do native speakers agree with that answer?
None of them are untrue. "Getting butterflies" in this context means being pleasurably excited, with some nervousness.

But since according to Gwen, getting butterflies means being happy and not being nervous, I suppose that's the intended answer. It isn't a very good question.
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