[General] That’s appropriate. Well, let’s go

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Apr 8, 2021
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I am really sorry that I ask about this mere trifle, but I am not a native speaker and sometimes even simple contexts confuse me.
Does "That’s appropriate" refer to the letters "V.F.D" or does it refer to the map?

“Wait a minute,” Count Olaf said, and strode over to the table. “What’s this?” he demanded. “It looks like a map.”
“It is a map,” Klaus admitted with a sigh, wishing he had hidden it in his pockets. “A map of the Mortmain Mountains.”
“The Mortmain Mountains?” Count Olaf said, examining the map eagerly. “Why, that’s where we’re heading! Lulu said that if there was a parent alive, they’d be hiding up there! Does the map show any headquarters on it?”
“Wait a minute,” he said, and pointed to the stain the Baudelaires had been examining. “I haven’t seen one of these in a long time,” he said.
“A small brown stain?” Esmé asked. “You saw that this morning.”
“This is a coded stain,” Count Olaf explained. “I was taught to use this on maps when I was a little boy. It’s to mark a secret location without anyone else noticing.”
“Except a smashing genius,” Esmé said. “I guess we’re heading for the Valley of Four Drafts.”
“V.F.D.,” Count Olaf said, and giggled. “That’s appropriate. Well, let’s go. Is there anything else useful in here?”

"The Carnivorous Carnival," Novel by Daniel Handler
It refers to "VFD". However, why that initialism is amusing and appropriate isn't clear from the context you've posted.
I wonder if Count Olaf is making a connection between the map and the word 'draft'.
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