Thanks in advance for helping me review this short ad script:)

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May 6, 2021
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Hello, This ad is a gate the may make me earn some extra money so I don't want people to find mistakes in grammar or things like that. I don't care about the punctuation because the script will be spoken so you can save time by telling me the big mistakes (like tenses or word misuse something like that). I really reaaaallly appreciate your help.


I would like to happily announce that new lessons are coming soon! Basic and advanced grammar rules will be simplified and explained, in addition to some vocabulary lessons.

I’ve come up with some ideas to improve the quality of the lessons. I use TTS technology to make the English explanation clearer and easier to understand, just like the voice you're hearing now. But, when it comes to the Arabic pronunciation, I record my own voice because I'm a native Arabic speaker and I do care that you receive the proper pronunciation. Also, the new lessons are visually simple and have the right colors and fonts to keep the video quality high as usual.

For those of you who travel to Egypt, I’ll make Egyptian Arabic lessons so that you can learn the language spoken in the street. For the academic students, I’ll make lessons that aim to teach modern standard Arabic.

Doing those videos costs time, money, effort, and requires some equipment. So, we gotta create them together. Your contribution is very important to keep making new lessons and courses.

I wanna give back to my audience who support me, so, you can join a social media group where you can ask questions, translate something, get lesson notes, and some other features.

God bless you all, Have a nice day!
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I [STRIKE] would like to happily [/STRIKE]am happy to announce that new lessons are coming soon! [STRIKE] Basic [/STRIKE] Essential and advanced grammar rules will be simplified and explained, in addition to some vocabulary lessons.

I’ve come up with some ideas to improve the quality of the lessons. I use TTS technology to make the English explanation clearer and easier to understand, just like the voice you're hearing now. But, when it comes to the Arabic pronunciation, I record my own voice because I'm a native Arabic speaker and I do care that you receive the proper pronunciation. Also, the new lessons are visually simple and have the right colors and fonts to [STRIKE] keep [/STRIKE] maintain thehigh video quality [STRIKE] high [/STRIKE] as usual.

For those of you who travel to Egypt, I’ll [STRIKE] make [/STRIKE] prepare Egyptian Arabic lessons so that you can learn the language spoken [STRIKE] in [/STRIKE] on the street. For the academic students, I’ll [STRIKE] make [/STRIKE] prepare lessons that aim to teach modern standard Arabic.

[STRIKE] Doing [/STRIKE] Making those videos costs time, money, effort, and requires some equipment. So, we [STRIKE] gotta [/STRIKE] need to create them together. Your contribution is very important to enable me/us to keep making new lessons and courses.

[ *] I [STRIKE] wanna [/STRIKE] want to give back to my audience who support me, so you can join a social media group where you can ask questions, translate something, get lesson notes, and some other features.

God bless you all, Have a nice day!

[ *] I don’t understand the logic in that sentence. How does their doing translations relate to you wanting to give something back to your audience?
[ *] I don’t understand the logic in that sentence. How does their doing translations relate to you wanting to give something back to your audience?

Thank you so much for reviewing my article. That's really appreciate. You're great, Charlie and this is a wonderful forums. For your question, I meant If someone wants to translate a sentence, I can do it for them as a kind of giving back. That's what I meant.
Thank you so much for reviewing my article. That's really appreciated. You're great, Charlie and this is a wonderful [STRIKE]forums[/STRIKE] forum. [STRIKE]For[/STRIKE] In answer to your question, I meant if someone wants to translate a sentence, I can do it for them as a kind of giving back. [STRIKE]That's what I meant.[/STRIKE]

Note my corrections above. Are you talking about helping them with some translation outside of class time?
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