Telelinguistics as a secondary bi-lingual communication

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Dec 4, 2015
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Origins of the concept...

Telelinguistic communication & The relevance theory

The telelinguistic theory.

The Telelinguist Theory originate's from the individual and collective experience of a group of students studying the subject & cognitive work of Language and linguistics (See:Linguistics) including telepathy(See:Telepathy) and telelinguistic communication's(see:Relevance theory), The group of student's created their own tele-linguistic method's of communication to experience for themselves communications similar to telepathic(See:Telepathy) communication. However unlike true telepathy (See:Telepathy) in the common sense, telelinguistic communications used a hidden/subliminal medium of language to mediate telepathic(See:Telepathy)intention and meaning, but only the communicators could view the telepathic (See:Telepathy) intention and meaning or relevant information through an observation of the linguistic communication in such a way that a secondary communication was consciously observed. In one study & experiment The secondary communication observed the original communication as relevant to another subject and therefore a secondary communication could be observed via the original communication...The group found that they could very easily mediate telepathic (See:Telepathy) intention and meaning using a telelinguistic language.The communications are observed for the telelinguistic information to be relevant enough to be used as relevant information according to the relevant subject being communicated(see: Relevance theory )the students believed the experienced to be likened to that of telepathic (See:Telepathy) communication as the telelinguistic information would not be observed by those not aware of the communication and the telelinguistic information could be mediated in an unheard & unobserved manor by those around the telelinguistic communicators.

The telelinguistic concept.

The students studying telelingusitic communication found that The study was likened to that of Dan SperberThe relevance theory (See: Relevance theory)as the mediation was very close to that of the secondary communication observed in the studys of Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson. :)see: Relevance theory)

According to Sperber studys and observations it has been concluded that There are two ways to conceive of how thoughts are communicated from one person to another. The first way is through the use of strict coding and decoding, (such as is used with Morse code). In this approach the speaker/author encodes their thoughts and transmits them to their audience. The audience receives the encoded message and decodes it to arrive at the meaning the speaker/author intended. This can be visualized as follows:

Speaker's thought/intention ⇒ encoded ⇒ transmitted ⇒ decoded ⇒ intention/thought understood.

A method of communication used to mediate telepathic(see:Telepathy) intention and meaning / information via a linguistic medium or Medium of any sort by the sender and consciously observed by the receiver . The chosen medium is consciously observed telelinguistically(see:Telepathy) to receive the telepathic(see:Telepathy) intention and meaning being mediated in the form of a non visual mediation that is only visible through a conscious observation that is only consciously observed by a consciously aware receiver / sender.

The possibility's within such a form of communication are not limited to linguistic communications and the array of possibility's available with such a method of communication are wide and extreme and can be created with little intelligence once the method of communication is well established between senders and receivers.

The future of telelinguistic communication

The study of telelinguistic communication still continues to this day as many linguists are consciously aware of the mediation and method and continually mediate telelinguistically themselves but is simply a possibility for communication.

The group who observed the communication as telelinguistic communication intend to gain the rights to the word TELELINGUISTICS and to complete a thesis and write a book about their experiences and the theory.

This type of communication is not limited to such simple methods of communication and is a very intelligent study that opens the doors to many universal possibility's for telelinguistic communication once studied correctly with the passion and understanding this method of communication deserves....I myself have studied this and have found a vast range of possibility and potentials that go as far as serious telepathic (See:Telepathy) communications...

One of the very interesting adaptations of telelinguistic communications is the revolution of such communications. This form of communication also has the potential to open the door to telecommunications THROUGH TIME . very little research has been done in this field and is currently only theoretical. But the potential for such mediation's through time are possible in this day in age due to the evolution of the mediums in our present day in age delivering onformation from the past into the future with the medium of telecommunications connecting the 2 for telelinguistic & indeed telepathic communications.

See also[edit source | edit][edit source | edit] Extended Mind, the concept that things frequently used by the mind become part of it. Ishin-denshin, traditional Japanese concept of unspoken mutual understanding, sometimes translated as "telepathy". Lady Wonder, a horse that appeared to answer questions. Quantum pseudo-telepathy, a phenomenon in quantum game theory. List of fictional characters with telepathy. List of topics characterized as pseudoscience. External links[edit source | edit][edit source | edit] The Intuitive Magician - Bruce Hood Telepathy - Skeptic's Dictionary Soal-Goldney Experiment - a critical evaluation of the Soal-Goldney Experiment, which claimed to prove the existence of telepathy Dream and Telepathy - article in Science and Psychoanalysis)
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It has been a while since we had a crackpot theory here. I thought I'd let it through to brighten up the weekend. :-D
"Crackpot" is an understatement. :roll:
It doesn't tell us whether wearing a tinfoil hat helps or hinders telelinguistics, sadly.
If I understand you right, it should be ^^^ not ^^^^.
Damn, I never stopped to think that telepathy would still require multilingualism. I just naively assumed if I could project my thoughts I could communicate instantly with anyone.

I didn't stop to think of the implications of Sapir-Worf on telepathy. If language influences/colors our thought processes, would a German understand my telepathy? Do I have to send my thoughts in French for a Parisian to read my mind?

Crap, this begs another question. I was counting on the telepathy to be received as mental sounds, but what if it's actually more like text messages? Maybe a Korean/Japanese/Indian person won't understand me unless I'm projecting in Hangul/Kanji/Devangari?

This severely impacts my research. Perhaps I should have been focusing of that Universal Translator from Star Trek instead of telepathy from the get-go.
You could try thinking very loudly with lots of exclamation marks.
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I think the official language of telelinguistics is Klingon.
I think the official language of telelinguistics is Klingon.


It is a shame that only a limited amount of intelligent people have experienced telelinguistic communication intelligently enough to reveal the experience to people. However it is a natural progression that communication and language will enevitably engage in wether the less informed are aware of the revolution or not.

i can only offer you what i believe to be the truth.

you can only accept or reject your own understanding/misunderstanding.

remember that next time you wish to reject what you believe to be the truth.
How can there be a revolution if no one apart from this intelligent elite who experience things intelligently notices? Genuinely revolutionary things tend to be a bit more noticeable.
Several studies have been made about the possibilities of telecommunication. The latest experiment conducted by scientists headed by French scientist Pascual-Leone. This approach is not actually novel. Pascual-Leone's experiment used encoded messages using binary codes-assigning letters to a particular set of binary numbers to represent a combination of words. The person sending a message did not have visual or physical contact with the other person he was sending the message to.
The other experiment conducted at the University of Washington last year used EEG-to-TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) similar to treating depression. The ultimate goal is to achieve direct brain-to-brain communication without the benefit of having to use cell phone or any visual gadget or even learn any language. Scientists believe that this could be helpful in allowing people who lost their ability to speak or even use of their hands and feet to communicate. Sounds like science fiction at best but a possibility which we may not see in our lifetime.
It is safe to assume that this is beyond hypothesis since experiments are ongoing. Beyond this, it is a theory that has established ideas that can be pursued to benefit man.
Skeptics abound when we see an idea such as this. . . but Einstein's great ideas started off as theories.
So basically brain to brain email? Sounds like it'd need a strong spam filter.
The human brain is so complex that no advanced training will give us the knowledge how neurons work in terms of connecting those electrical pulses. Each part of our body sends information (input) to the brain that in turn tells us when to express sadness, feel pain and show satisfaction. Tell that to a programmer (to write an application) and find out what his or her response would be. We all know which part of the brain is responsible for aptitude in math, art and writing. . . and that is about all we know so far.

To come up with the analogy and suggest that brain-to-brain communication is like email and thereby vulnerable to hackers is too simplistic. Those experiments conducted by elite group of scientists deserve recognition and too valuable to be dragged into a drawn out cynicism.
Whenever we focus on something, our brain can “tune out” anomalies that will otherwise disrupt the thinking process and therefore no need for any spam filtering.
This awesome feature of our brain will out-perform any spam filtering application ever written by any top notch programmer. . . unless of course the (subject) person had degenerated to a state of cognitive dissonance for indulging copious amount of canned pork fat in spam. :-D

No offense to our Hawaiian friends who consider spam an important part of the culinary specialty. I like spam once in a while whenever I stop for a meal in Honolulu.
I reject what I believe to be nonsense.
. . . but Einstein's great ideas started off as theories.
I'd suggest that Einstein's theories started off as great ideas.
Generally, I'd say theory (as you have stated) comes after an idea has been conceived. An architect's concept of how a structure would be built . . . and then hopefully the expectation (theory) that it would serve the purpose of solving the homeless problem. The algorithm would certainly fit in.

In Einstein's case however , it works the other way round. His theory of relativity is: all motion must be defined as relative to space and time. Given these relationship, there can be no motion when two objects are moving at the same speed. Then he postulated (came up with idea) that to justify the theory of relativity, local affects of gravity must be considered on either one of the speeding objects that is measured in terms of time.
This is a simple (layman) explanation of the theory without citing other factors like motion in a vacuum, mass and inertia etc.
What if somebody telehacks my brain, and takes control? Makes me run naked in traffic, drop a deuce on the neighbor's windshield, feel up a nun, or worse yet, vote Democratic?

Legal defense of the future: "Your honor, that wasn't really me doing/saying that - somebody e-hacked my brain account."

Judge: "You're certain that wasn't just drugs or alcohol?"

Folks, be sure and set strong mental passwords, and change them every 6 months.
Several studies have been made about the possibilities of telecommunication.

I see nothing wrong with this at all. But the original post is stuffed full of pseudo-scientific language to give it a gloss, but which is mostly fake- dropping the word quantum in at random does not make something an acceptable scientific theory. If science can demonstrate to its standards of objective reproduction that telecommunication exists, I would happily accept it, but there is a difference between the scientific investigation of the unknown and stuff knocked up in the world of the conspiracy theorists. Communication is a complex area, and it does take in areas that are not linguistic, but the post's statements like the one about "Quantum pseudo-telepathy, a phenomenon in quantum game theory.", which isn't even a sentence or vaguely comprehensible, do nothing to advance the idea that this is an area worthy of study. I do know that it is merely a copy and paste including the unnecessary links from a deleted Wikipedia article, but to post this as fact when it is, at best, unedited twaddle isn't advancing the case much. If someone wants to revolutionise human understanding of communication, very basic editing might be a good start. We're not talking peer-reviewed science here, just common sense. The communication revolutionary should be able to communicate.
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