Telelinguistics advanced . Told you so folks...

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Dec 4, 2015
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Its been a while, but i thought it necessary to update you all of the progress of the telelinguistic revolution.

It is now a very well grounded theory and method of communication being widely adopted by many aware communicators and has taken strength in evolution's of its own right. From friends to people unknown , the concept has easily been understood and adopted and many people have become aware of such communications through chosen interactions...

I feel it important that if there ever to really be a revolution for Linguistics that this concept and theory be completely understood and investigated correctly, as i know for a fact that the subject will indeed become a very well accepted form of telelinguistic communication. Or at least a Sense-able foundation for such a great revolution...

You can doubt this my friends, But its not doubted by scholars whom are already very aware of such potentials in the field of linguistics and communications , such as Dan sperber as his understanding has a very relevant underlining of the same concept.

i advice you people to either become aware of this form of communication, or be apart of the majority and eventually minority that are none the wiser of the revolution.

So again, i offer this concept to common knowledge in the hope that you people are as intelligent and as senseable as the revolution itself and its founders.

thank you....


Origins of the concept...

Telelinguistic communication & The relevance theory

The telelinguistic theory.

The Telelinguist Theory originate's from the individual and collective experience of a group of students studying the subject & cognitive work of Language and linguistics (See:Linguistics) including telepathy(See:Telepathy) and telelinguistic communication's(see:Relevance theory), The group of student's created their own tele-linguistic method's of communication to experience for themselves communications similar to telepathic(See:Telepathy) communication. However unlike true telepathy (See:Telepathy) in the common sense, telelinguistic communications used a hidden/subliminal medium of language to mediate telepathic(See:Telepathy)intention and meaning, but only the communicators could view the telepathic (See:Telepathy) intention and meaning or relevant information through an observation of the linguistic communication in such a way that a secondary communication was consciously observed. In one study & experiment The secondary communication observed the original communication as relevant to another subject and therefore a secondary communication could be observed via the original communication...The group found that they could very easily mediate telepathic (See:Telepathy) intention and meaning using a telelinguisticlanguage.The communications are observed for the telelinguistic information to be relevant enough to be used as relevant information according to the relevant subject being communicated(see: Relevance theory )the students believed the experienced to be likened to that of telepathic (See:Telepathy) communication as the telelinguistic information would not be observed by those not aware of the communication and the telelinguistic information could be mediated in an unheard & unobserved manor by those around the telelinguistic communicators.

The telelinguistic concept.

The students studying telelingusitic communication found that The study was likened to that of Dan SperberThe relevance theory (See: Relevance theory)as the mediation was very close to that of the secondary communication observed in the studys of Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson. :)see: Relevance theory)

According to Sperber studys and observations it has been concluded that There are two ways to conceive of how thoughts are communicated from one person to another. The first way is through the use of strict coding and decoding, (such as is used with Morse code). In this approach the speaker/author encodes their thoughts and transmits them to their audience. The audience receives the encoded message and decodes it to arrive at the meaning the speaker/author intended. This can be visualized as follows:

Speaker's thought/intention ⇒ encoded ⇒ transmitted ⇒ decoded ⇒ intention/thought understood.

A method of communication used to mediate telepathic(see:Telepathy) intention and meaning / information via a linguistic medium or Medium of any sort by the sender and consciously observed by the receiver . The chosen medium is consciously observed telelinguistically(see:Telepathy) to receive the telepathic(see:Telepathy) intention and meaning being mediated in the form of a non visual mediation that is only visible through a conscious observation that is only consciously observed by a consciously aware receiver / sender.

The possibility's within such a form of communication are not limited to linguistic communications and the array of possibility's available with such a method of communication are wide and extreme and can be created with little intelligence once the method of communication is well established between senders and receivers.

The future of telelinguistic communication

The study of telelinguistic communication still continues to this day as many linguists are consciously aware of the mediation and method and continually mediate telelinguistically themselves but is simply a possibility for communication.

The group who observed the communication as telelinguistic communication intend to gain the rights to the word TELELINGUISTICS and to complete a thesis and write a book about their experiences and the theory.

This type of communication is not limited to such simple methods of communication and is a very intelligent study that opens the doors to many universal possibility's for telelinguistic communication once studied correctly with the passion and understanding this method of communication deserves....I myself have studied this and have found a vast range of possibility and potentials that go as far as serious telepathic (See:Telepathy) communications...

One of the very interesting adaptations of telelinguistic communications is the revolution of such communications. This form of communication also has the potential to open the door to telecommunications THROUGH TIME . very little research has been done in this field and is currently only theoretical. But the potential for such mediation's through time are possible in this day in age due to the evolution of the mediums in our present day in age delivering onformation from the past into the future with the medium of telecommunications connecting the 2 for telelinguistic& indeed telepathic communications.

See also[edit source | edit][edit source | edit] Extended Mind, the concept that things frequently used by the mind become part of it. Ishin-denshin, traditional Japanese concept of unspoken mutual understanding, sometimes translated as "telepathy". Lady Wonder, a horse that appeared to answer questions. Quantum pseudo-telepathy, a phenomenon in quantum game theory. List of fictional characters with telepathy. List of topics characterized as pseudoscience. External links[edit source | edit][edit source | edit] The Intuitive Magician - Bruce Hood Telepathy - Skeptic's Dictionary Soal-Goldney Experiment - a critical evaluation of the Soal-Goldney Experiment, which claimed to prove the existence of telepathy Dream and Telepathy - article in Science and Psychoanalysis)

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Does the future of telelinguistics hold forth hope for a grammar, punctuation, and capitalization upgrade?

Or are such trivial conveyances rendered obsolete once we're beyond the smothering limitations of text?

I also don't think we ever resolved the issue of multilingualism in our last round of debate on this titillating topic. I want to know if whether mastering telelinguistics will make me like C-3PO - fluent in over six million forms of communication?

Do I even need my protocol droid any more?

Oh wait, I forgot that he's science fiction as well.
many linguists are consciously aware of the mediation and method and continually mediate telelinguistically themselves but is simply a possibility for communication.

Which linguists do this?
They're not linguists. ;-)
I don't know what to do with the post made by the OP. Maybe, I am an egghead but it sounds as if it was a form of Linguistics practiced by aliens from planet Mars...LOL
Explanations of the theory don't help me much.
I think it's more the way in which this "theory" is presented. To be honest, due to lack of time, I did not even really care to read all the stuff. Some points appear to come across as a bit weird, to say the least. I am not into esoterics, aliens and their theories because I am a stubborn egghead...Yes, my fault....hahahahhaha

Explanations of the theory don't help me much.
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