Students have to answer in their notebooks ...


Sep 20, 2010
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"Students have to answer in their notebooks all the questions that their teacher assigned to them.", is it syntactically acceptable?
"Students have to answer in their notebooks all the questions that their teacher assigned to them." no comma here
Is it the sentence above syntactically acceptable?
Note my comment and changes above. If you don't want to make a separate question after the example sentence, say "Is 'Students have to answer ...' syntactically acceptable?"

Also note that I have changed your thread title. Titles must be unique, relevant only to that thread, and contain some/all of the sentence you're asking us to look at.
I'm not sure what "answer in their notebooks" means. Does that mean they write it in their notebooks?
In my opinion, the sentence in post #1 would be much clearer with two commas. It would avoid the confusion expressed by Tarheel above.

The students must answer, in their notebooks, all the questions their teacher assigned to them.

As an aside, I'm not keen on saying that teachers "assign" questions to students.
I'm curious about how old the students are if you have to tell them that sort of thing. (Probably in elementary school.)

Also, I would probably say: "Write the answers in your notebooks."

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