striking force/impact force/impulsive force

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Senior Member
Jan 7, 2011
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Russian Federation
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Russian Federation

Below I've provided several sentences where the required words mean almost the same thing, but are used in slightly different contexts:

1) Tanks were the main striking force/impact force/impulsive force of the Soviet Union during World War II.
2) Didie Drogba was the main striking force/impact force/impulsive force of Chelsea during several seasons

The main idea behind both sentences is that something was the most distinctive and was used in order to achieve a particular aim. For example Didie Drogba was the main striker of Chelsea and helped score goals and in sentence #1 it's said that due to tanks Russia won several deciding battles during the Second World War.

Please help me with my question
Maybe "offensive force" is the best for both sentences. "Striking force" might work, but the other two choices are incorrect.
'Didier Drogba was Chelsea's main striker, as you said.

Such a footballer is never called a striking force - let alone either of the other two options.

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