spending on research and development also saw rapid growth in these countries, reaching 35 billion in 1990

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Jul 5, 2022
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The words below in bold in the first 2 sentences are all in "ing" form, but they are describing things happened in the past. Why used "ing" instead of "ed" (reached, generated). Similarly, the lasted 2 sentences were wrote by myself, are they correct? Really frustrated:( if someone could help to explain. Thanks in advance!

1: spending on research and development also saw rapid growth in these countries, reaching 35 billion in 1990

2: in 1980, thermal power stations were the main source of electricity in France, generating around 120 of power

3: Started at 9% in 1940, the percentage in USA increased gradually in the next 8 decades. reached 14%
by the end of 2020

4: In 1940, around 9% of Americans were aged 65 or over, compared to about 7% of Swedish people and 5% of Japanese people
3 is wrong. You need -ing (Starting/reaching) whether the meaning is past or present or future.

4 is correct but different from the others.
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