spelling confusion

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Nov 21, 2017
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If a noun ending with "our" e.g. colour (uk) is added with a suffix "ize" becomes colorize (v). Its meaning gives sense that something is made to have the property of or become like.
But the word valorize (v) is not derived from the word valour (n).
Valorize (v) is derived form the word value (n) and means to ascribe some value to something.
Why do we not use the spelling valuerize (v) instead of valorize (v) in the sense of giving some value to something and hence use valorize (v) in the sense to put or cause to make somebody encouraged of raise courage valour(n).

Please guide,


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Well, for a start, the BrE spelling "colour" would never have "ize" added to the end. We would add "ise".
I have never heard the word "valorize" used in my life. I would not obsess over spelling in English. It will disappoint you.
Just to clarify: The British tend to like our and ise. Americans tend to like or and ize. And no one likes valourise or valorize.

But the sad fact is, we all learned spelling one word at at time.
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This question is not really about spelling. It's about the morphology of words. Both the stem and the suffix have Latin roots, so the rule for morphological transformation follows accordingly.
Slowly, we quickly come to accept that English spelling is often illogical.:-(

Before the days of the internet, one of my missions in life was to discover why there's a u in four and fourteen but not in forty. Now, the WWW has all these explanations.

It's still as clear as mud.:-(
And what happened to the "n" in "restaurateur"?
And what happened to the "n" in "restaurateur"?
It was never there in the first place. Restaurant and restaurateur were both borrowed directly from French. They both have the root restaur-, meaning "restore". "Restaurant" is a "restoring place"; "restaurateur" is a "restoring person".
Slowly, we quickly come to accept that English spelling is often illogical.:-(

Before the days of the internet, one of my missions in life was to discover why there's a u in four and fourteen but not in forty. Now, the WWW has all these explanations.

It's still as clear as mud.:-(
It's like Adam said to Cain: Go fourth and multiply.
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