Sophia was unlike most politicians, and women of her time for that matter.

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Sep 30, 2019
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Is this correct and natural?

Sophia was unlike most politicians, and women of her time for that matter. She possessed an inquiring mind and an inquisitive nature. Although confident, she lacked conviction when it came to social and political matters. Her default mindset was "what I think is right might also be wrong". Being unsure about just about everything, in her line of work as a politician, was not so much an asset as it was a liability.

Sophia was uncharacteristically certain about her sister, Katherine, who could not be more different than her. In Sophia's view, Kate was blessed with a simplistic and rosy view of the world, in which every woman aimed at fulfilling the ultimate goal: fall in love with the right man, reproduce, and become the perfect mother. 'How could these women feel happy if they thought they were incomplete without a man and children?' Kate also believed that politicians were corrupt, and it was beneath a true lady to get involved in politics. "No woman can fill the hole she feels as a result of not being loved by getting involved in politics," she would argue. Sophia, in turn, saw Kate as a GIANT CLICHE who simply went along the narrow path society had defined for her.

For these reasons, Sophia was unsure about going back home to New Jersey to celebrate Christmas with her family. In a text sent to her friend, she explained. "Ugh! I have to go back there and see Katherine the Great and be lectured by her about the power of receiving attention and love from her impeccably mannered and selfless man." It wasn't lost on Sophia that their parents favored Kate, nor would they try to hide it. "My mum usually hugs Kate's daughter and stares at me as if she wants to say: learn from your sister you childless loser."

With her typical self-doubt, Sophia sometimes wondered why she refused to be a cliche like her sister and ninety per cent of people she knew. Was it not also a cliche to be the rebellious younger sister?
Say: "Sophia was unlike most politicians and also other women of her time."

She doesn't seem very confident, and being unsure of yourself is definitely a liability. You certainly can't convince other people that way.
I would appreciate it if someone would edit the entire text, emsr2d2 fashion!
*She possessed an enquiring mind and an inquisitive nature.

That's good.
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