something is as pointless as...

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Sep 30, 2019
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I'm trying to say something is pointless.

How can I complete this sentence?

Trying to reason with this man is as pointless as...
Oh, come on, alpacinoutd. I'm sure you can think of some things that are completely pointless. What would you say in your native language? Translate a few of those and then we can comment on whether they're natural or not.
You're good at this sort of thing. Avoid chocolate teapot cliches and get stuck in.
The thing is, if we give you cliches, it will make your writing boring. Come up with something fresh.
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Here's one to get you started, alpacinoutd. Around here people often describe something pointless as "useless as t*ts on a bull." :-D
Trying to reason with this man is as pointless as...

... asking UE members to supply you with non-tongue-in-cheek similes for how pointless something is.
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